Do you move every day? Doing so can increase your lifespan, improve your mood, help you maintain a healthy weight, increase your strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance, and help you manage chronic pain and other health conditions. Regular physical activity is so important that our team at Movement Matters PT is always looking for tips
One of the most effective and powerful aspects of pain therapy is core strength training. The set of muscles that make up your core also work to anchor your center of gravity. This helps maintain your balance, both when you’re moving and when you’re standing still. Through pain therapy treatments, you can strengthen your core
The spine is an extremely complex part of your body. It contains 24 bones, and 5 of those bones are located in your lower back. It also has a large number of nerves and intervertebral discs that help with movement. Unfortunately, it is sometimes possible for these discs to protrude (or “herniate”) through the cell
One of the most common pieces of advice given to people in strength training programs is simply to “not hurt yourself.” Whether it’s a recovery program from a previous injury or surgery, or you’re simply trying to improve your physical performance, it is a common phrase that you’ll hear. While it may seem easier said
Protein is a necessary nutrient for maintaining high levels of physical function. If you’re a dedicated athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone who is simply trying to become more active, your protein intake plays a key role in your physical performance. There are many factors of high-quality protein that can benefit you in ways you